Photo by Adrienne Andersen on Pexels.com
The holiday season has arrived and there is so much to do. You have so many commitments and “to-do” lists that will soon become overwhelming. It is stressful enough when you have to juggle family and work. With the hustle and bustle going on lately, it’s no wonder your mind and body is calling for “Calgon”. So many of us are going thru the days as if we are zombies. There is so much that needs to get done; and not enough time to do it. Why not set aside some time for yourself?
Think about it, you aren’t any good for anyone or yourself if you haven’t made time for YOU!!! I am famous for the word “NO” when it is necessary. I also will not allow things or people to interrupt my spiritual healing. I had an observation scheduled this week and didn’t care or worry about what negative feedback I would get from my supervisor. I am needed at the end of the day. I know my students. I understand that I am doing the best I can. Secondly, let’s not talk about the turnover rate within the education field. Lastly, I understand that I have to give my students time to breathe and unwind to get them to work to their potential. It’s like a reward system for them. You complete your work; you get a reward for your actions. This is how you should treat yourself as well!!! Here are a few things you should do to eliminate some of that extra stress that embodies your everyday life.
Take the day off!!! If you have the time to enjoy an extended weekend; do it. You do not owe anyone any explanation as to why you need your day for peace and quiet. If you have children, try to take a day when you will not have them at home with you. If you do not want to deal with your significant other/spouse, then also plan that day off accordingly. Always know that your job will replace you at the drop of a dime once you are sick or shut-in.
Treat yourself out for a pampering day. I just love getting a massage, facial, and/or mani-and-pedicure. Having someone else pampering me is so relaxing. Why not try it? Even if it is just a haircut, you should definitely set aside that time and get that treatment. Hell, you can do all of them if you like!!
Take yourself out on a date. Learn to enjoy some alone time out. Whether it’s a movie or a dinner date alone, try it out!!! I promise you will enjoy it. There is nothing like watching a movie YOU want without having someone along with that really isn’t pressed to watch. You can even eat what you want without feeling guilty!!! You can enjoy this cheat day for once.
Stop taking on others’ burdens/issues. I find that the majority of people’s stress is focused on this one right here. Stop worrying about others’ problems, issues, and or decisions. If you know they are not going to listen or change their actions, all you can do is be their listening ear. Hell, sometimes you just might have to take your ears out of the equation just to keep your sanity. It’s okay. You owe no one an explanation for taking a break from their sorrows. If they are true friends, they will understand why you had to take a break from them for a while. If not, you did yourself a favor by eliminating them from your circle.
Find something you are passionate about and do it. If you have a love for exercise, dance, walking, camping, traveling, etc. do it!!! Make time for the things you love. If I could dance every day, I would!!! I am not the greatest, but I will shake a tail feather or two. Plus it is great exercise. I also love to travel!! I will get on a plane by myself without any hesitation. I will even drive to a destination and stay alone!!
Find your peace. This is the hardest, yet most important part of freeing your mind. You can either take a bubble bath with wine, candles, and jazz or sit outdoors with nature. I have an aromatherapy machine that I can add my very own oils. I love sleeping with it on. I enjoy the outdoors!!! Sitting on the porch or working in the yard is my peace. Even the company you keep can be as peaceful as any outdoors activity planned.
Whatever it takes for you to get a handle on your life and the stresses that will occur, always find the time to free your mind. Your body and others will appreciate you for it.

Photo by Jahaziel Rodriguez on Pexels.com